The Importance of First Aid Training
Three hundred and fifty thousand people die of cardiac arrest each year. But it doesn't have to be that way. Proper first aid training can be the key to saving lives. If you don't know how to perform CPR, you can't save someone who is in cardiac arrest. Without the proper training, you could lose a close family member or a friend. Taking a course through Holmes Safety Training could make all the difference.
Your chances of reviving a person in cardiac arrest without an AED are 1 in 10. Your chances of reviving someone in cardiac arrest with an AED are 1 in 4. In our courses, you will learn the
techniques and skills to save a life and keep a loved one alive while waiting for emergency
services to arrive.
Moreover, those who have first aid and CPR training are equipped to help those in need at
home, at work, and in the community. After taking a course with Holmes Safety Training, you know that wherever you go, you'll be able to assist whomever you run into.
First aid is not just about learning CPR and saving lives, it is about being ready to handle any
injury, medical condition, and illness with limited equipment. It's about helping others – including your family and friends – when they need it most. There are so many reasons to learn first aid and CPR, contact us today and you could start learning tomorrow.
What is first aid?
The term first aid refers to initial care given to a sick or injured person. It can include cleaning
and bandaging a wound, using a splint on an injured patient, or even using CPR to save
someone's life.
While an untrained person could offer care, someone with training and certification in first aid and CPR will be better equipped to care for the injured person. It's also important to note that some injuries can be made worse if the person offering first aid doesn't know the correct
techniques or how to position the casualty so they are comfortable and safe.
The three Ps
Preserve life
First-aid learners are taught that preserving life is the primary goal of practice. This includes
caring for the casualty's condition by maintaining an open airway and ensuring the casualty is
kept alive till EMS arrives with proper CPR techniques.
Using first aid methods can prevent the injury from worsening or causing further harm to the
injured person. This can include using proper spinal stabilization and wound management
techniques so that a casualty's condition does not deteriorate before the paramedics arrive. It also involves using medical equipment correctly so that equipment such as an AED does not kill the first aid aider or bystanders at the emergency scene.
Promote recovery
Proper first-aid care is vital to the casualty's recovery. This is done by preventing further injuries and using adequate care techniques for the injury. Examples include cleaning wounds properly to prevent infection and to promote healing. Other examples include cooling burns quickly to prevent more severe burns and long-term scarring, allowing burns to heal faster.
Now is the time
Most people understand that first aid skills are valuable to saving lives and helping others.
However, there are many reasons why people put off learning these skills, including:
Lack of time
Taking a first aid class can sound time-consuming, but you can be certified in a few hours with
most training companies. When you think about being equipped to save a life or assist with an emergency, particularly for a loved one, the time it takes to train is worth the commitment.
We also offer a blended learning course where the theory portion of our course can be done on your own time through our online program, so there is half the amount of in person practical training to accommodate your busy schedule.
Unsure where to train?
When considering first aid training, you'll want to know where to go to get the proper training. Many facilities offer first aid instruction, but not all provide the same training level. With Holmes Safety Training, we offer WSIB-approved training so you can be confident you'll learn the skills you need under provincial jurisdiction. We also have over 700, 5-star Google reviews, so you can feel confident that you'll get the best training Ottawa has to offer!
Feel confident enough
Medical care skills can be passed along through experiences. For example, when parents care for a child through an illness, it helps that child learn some care skills they can use on others. It's easy to see how someone may feel they already have enough skill to help. You may be questioning why you need formal training in first aid if you already have some capability to care for others. While caring for others can be learned on some level, knowing first aid skills enhances what you can do to help others if they are injured or sick. First aid training teaches you how to do a lot for someone if you have limited medical equipment.
Statistics show that medical emergencies can happen anywhere, and first aid training equips you to respond to these situations. Proper first aid and CPR techniques can save your friend's or co-worker's life and prevent further harm by keeping a casualty in the best possible medical condition while waiting for the paramedics to arrive. Another reason people don't take formal first-aid training is that they need to understand the benefits or importance of knowing the skills.
The Importance of First Aid Training
There are several good reasons to consider first aid training, such as:
Being prepared for emergencies
Accidents and injuries can happen anywhere at any time. Being prepared and knowing the proper procedure in each scenario can give you confidence. Keeping a cool head in times of crisis is vital to leading everyone through such situations. Having first aid knowledge and the confidence to use that knowledge when the time comes is one of the best reasons to become first aid certified.
Minimize injury with early treatment
When someone is injured, immediate medical care is necessary to prevent further harm. It can take a few minutes for first responders to arrive on the scene of an emergency. Those few minutes are vital ones for the injured person and can make the difference between life and death. When someone can apply first aid treatment before paramedics arrive, it can keep the casualty in the best possible condition and prevent further injuries. Furthermore, it can save money on medical bills and reduce the likelihood of legal complications if someone is injured at work or in a business.
CPR save lives
CPR techniques are crucial if you're with someone who is in cardiac arrest. The majority of Canadians go into cardiac arrest outside of the hospital. Learning CPR and first aid can be the difference between the life and death of a close family friend or co-worker. You can be the vital link in the chain of survival.
Education leads to practice
Having first aid training leads to more safety awareness. In other words, you'll be better prepared to identify hazards to avoid injuries once you know the risks of certain activities or environments. This can be crucial in a work or professional environment as those with first aid training can advise on safety problems around the work area. By being trained in first aid and CPR you can reduce workplace injuries and illnesses which is a benefit to everyone. Studies have shown that individuals trained in first aid and CPR feel more confident about themselves and are more willing to get involved when someone is injured, or they see an unsafe situation unfolding.
If you're ready to take first aid and CPR training, contact Holmes Safety Training today.